Publications & Webinars

December 4, 2015
Article: EGG Announces its 2015 Top Ten Disruptive Organizations
For the first time, Energy Guidance Group has compiled a list of 10 of the utility industry’s most influential disrupters, which are organizations varying in size, scope and purpose.
This list of contenders may be surprising in terms of those included and/or excluded. But then, one might argue that predictable disruption is not really disruptive. Disruption not only comes from new technologies, but new ways of doing business, new ways of structuring organizations, new markets and new methods of financing. – (read more)

September 21, 2015
Article: Creditors to Take Control of TXU Energy
This is the second article in a series on the proposal to bring Energy Future Holdings’ companies out of bankruptcy. On August 10th, Hunt Consolidated and a consortium of investors announced an agreement with Energy Future Holdings (EFH) in bankruptcy court to bring the EFH companies out of bankruptcy. – (read more)

August 25, 2015
Article: Hunt Consolidated Takes the Lead in the Bidding for Oncor, Energy Future Holding’s (EFH) Transmission and Distribution Utility
On August 10th, Hunt Consolidated, a group of junior creditors, investment firms and the Texas teachers’ pension fund (Hunt) reached an agreement with Energy Future Holdings (EFH) in bankruptcy court for its $19 billion bid for the Oncor piece of EFH utilizing an innovative REIT structure. – (read more)

October 2014
Webinar: Electric Markets 101
This webinar will help you to understand how electric markets work within the US, the impact of regulations, and what the future may hold. The US electric power industry is a $314 billion a year industry with almost 147,000,000 customers. The electric power industry represents almost 6% of US GDP. Other than government services and health care, the electric power industry is the only industry that touches every single American every day of his/her life.. – (read more)

March 15, 2013
Report: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Various Electric Reliability Improvement Projects From the End Users' Perspective
100-page analysis published on the cost of long term power outages (greater than 24 hours) to customers versus the costs/benefits of hardening Maryland’s distribution and transmission system. Clients: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC); Maryland Public Service Commission. – (read more)
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